Multiple Intelligence School

Progressive primary & secondary education in Suva, capital of Fiji.

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Lot 2, 43 Rewa St                     
Suva, Fiji Islands


Phone: +(679) 337 3772                   


Small Student : Staff ratio

No more than one staff members to 15 students.

Family Atmosphere

Staff are more like distant aunts and uncles

We think of the pupils as being 'our' children when they are not with you.


Progressive research based education.

Working from the science of education to guide what we teach, how we teach and how we know we've been successful in teaching it.

“Anything that is worth teaching can be presented in many different ways. These multiple ways can make use of our multiple intelligences.”

Howard Gardner

Collaboration vs. competition

The old method of using an educational system to 'find the best' is gone – dead – irrelevant. This is partly because what is 'the best' depends on context and every context is unique.


Innovative Pedagogy

Experience as much as possible for oneself!

  1. LOVE LEARNING - If a child learns to love the learning process then we have prepared them for a lifetime of 'lifelong learning'. This is the new norm in our rapidly ever changing world.
  2. LEARN HOW TO TEACH ONESELF - Our secondary education aims to teach our students how to teach themselves. We aim to be the best role models by showing them how we teach ourselves in new tasks and acquiring new information.
  3. PREPARATION FOR LIFE - we aspire to nothing less than preparing your child for 'life' not for just 'the next stage in their educational pathway'.

Assessment innovation

What we teach must reflect real life. Our swimming programme teaches basic skill sets in the pool and then we take them into a flowing river, or the beach with significant waves for them to get used to learning how to control themselves.
A traditional approach to water safety - give a paper and pencil test!


Environmental Responsibility

We are ardent supporters of the John Muir Award as a way to help our students become environmentally responsible.

Multiple Intelligence School, Fiji

Progressive Education for the 21st Century

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